14 enero 2007

"How the Web saved democracy"... o cómo Internet salvó la Democracia

Dando unas vueltas por MySpace, (que por cierto nunca lo hago ya que en realidad me parece que no voy a encontrar nada interesante), me topé con el espacio de Charles Shaughnessy.
Muchos creerán que el Actor de La Niñera, no es más que una cara bonita... pues no.
La verdad que en su weblog habla de cuestiones un poco más profundas de las que uno hubiera imaginado en un actor de Sitcom norteamericana. De hecho él mismo en su profile dice justamente eso, que el no sólo es su personaje.
Uno de sus posts me pareció bastante interesante, y obtuvo un nivel de respuesta considerable:

I have been watching an extraordinary phenomenon take shape as the web matures: the democratization of life as we know it. In the old days there were the "experts" who served the needs and desires of us "huddled" masses. We had to go to the store to buy goods from a retailer; we had to buy stocks from a broker (if you were wealthy enough to open an account;) we had to retain a lawyer for our legal needs...anyway, you get the idea. Then along came the Web and, at the click of a few buttons, we could trade our own stocks, file our own taxes, draw up basic legal documents, diagnose ourselves, plan our own vacations, even buy and sell used cars without a "lot!" Anyone could become an entrepreneur...and thousands did. Now this "level playing field" has invaded my territory. Time was, we relied on studios and producers for our entertainment. Trained actors acted from scripts written by professional writers and directed by experienced directors. Clearly, this too, is no longer the domain of the "expert." YOU TUBE and other video sites have proved that entertainment is up for grabs, and if you have a fresh and captivating way of telling a story, and a story to tell...the audience is out there, and they don't care if you trained at Yale or worked the car wash. For us professionals, it is a scary and confusing turn of events, but, you know what I say? Let it roll! Its a fascinating, exciting and, ultimately, rich time for our culture. No one can claim precedence on the basis of where they came from, but on what they have to offer...and the market decides. Bring it on! (ver entrada)
Básicamente dice un poco lo que todos ya sabemos: Que Internet pone en manos de la gente común lo que antes sólo tenía una élite: La posibilidad de hacer verdaderamente masivo el mensaje.
Naturalmente él comenta el cambio que siente en cuento a su ámbito -el teatral-, comentando el poder de YouTube, pero el efecto se expande a todos los ámbitos.

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